Monday, February 21, 2011

Testimony and Salvation Story

When I was little, I was told that my position with God was not the way it should be. Basically, God, the creator of the whole universe, had originally made all mankind innocent from evil, but he had a free will to chose to do evil if he so desired. One day, man decided to reject God and live according to his own rules. As his punishment, God let the world become the way it would with men ruling themselves – full of evil and death. But God decided he would save man from this state of separation from Him. So he sent down his son – Jesus Christ – to live a perfect life in man’s place, and die for man’s evil actions (sins), and rise again from the dead so that men could live with God after they died. When my parents told me that Christ had done all of that for me, I had a strong desire to be a Christian – a follower of Jesus Christ. How could I not accept such an amazing offer from such a loving God? So, at the age of six, I did. Since this day, I have been living for God in everything I do. I do not live perfectly. That is why Christ lived a perfect life in my place. Despite my imperfection, I want to give my life for the one who died for me.

The same offer stands for you. Will you accept it?

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